Brand Guidelines

Use these guidelines ensure the consistency of the happier IT visual brand identity.


  • Font: Poppins

  • Weight: Light (normal) or Regular (when bold needed)

  • Colors: Typography should be in a happier IT brand color including happier IT Red, white or a shade of gray. happier IT does not use black typography.

  • Wordmark: happier IT should always be written with a lower case h, and a space between the words happier and IT.

    • Correct: happier IT

    • Incorrect: Happier IT / happierIT




happier IT Red

HEX: #DC0000
RGB: R:220 G:0 B:0
CMYK: C:7 M:100 Y:100 K:1
Pantone: 485C
Paint: Benjamin Moore 2000-10


White is happier IT's secondary brand color and is an important part of our brand identity.
happier IT white should be a pure white with no hints of other colors.
RGB: R:0 G:0 B:0
Paint: Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace OC 65

Shades of Gray

happier IT uses various shades of gray. All shades of gray used must be a pure shade of black and must not contain other colors.

e.g. #808080 | R:128 G:128 B:128 | C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:65


Logo Variations

  • happier IT has several different logo formats that can be used to best fit the application.

  • happier IT and the happier IT logo are registered trademarks and should be used with the ® identifier.

  • Logos should not be used in any color other than “happier IT red” or white.

    • Logos should always be happier IT red on white or very light backgrounds.

    • Logos on dark backgrounds should always be white.

  • Inverted brand colors (white logo on a “happier IT red” background) is recommended in applications where a white background isn’t suitable.

  • You can download a vector of each logo in the correct color format below.




