Employee Cyber Security Awareness Training

Easy, affordable ongoing Cyber Awareness training, testing and scoring of your staff.


Is your business mitigating it’s top security risk? – Your employees

Cyber criminals are continually trying to trick you employees. If they are successful they can take over your organization’s network, hack into your bank accounts, and steal tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Organizations of every size and type are at risk.

Cyber Security Awareness Training turns your employees into human firewalls by teaching them to detect tricks/scams and take appropriate action to prevent a breach.

Employee Cyber Security Awareness Training is the critical First Line of Defence in the prevention of cyber breaches.

Cyber Criminals Attack Business of all Sizes

86% of organizations had at least one user try to connect to a phishing site


Online Ads are an Growing Threat

70% of organizations had users that were served malicious browser ads


Employees Let in Most Cyber Attacks

95% of successful cyber attacks are the result of a phishing scams


Common Misconceptions

Many businesses have one or more of the following misconceptions.

Misconception #1:  "My employees are smarter than that"

  • Over 90% of breaches are caused by human error

  • 86% of organizations had at least one user try to connect to a phishing site in 2020

  • Criminals are constantly refining their tricks and techniques to exploit your employees

Misconception #2:  "My employees don’t have time"

Our Annual online training course takes less than 1 hour to complete and provides extensive testing. A breach from one employee affects the whole business and your overall brand value:

  • Raises your insurance rates

  • Affects your reputation locally

  • Reduces revenue due to loss of customers

  • Loss of time and money during downtime

  • Incurs high remediation costs

  • Lost trust of customers with their data

Misconception #3:  "We are too small / We aren't a target"

All organizations are at risk, independent of their size or revenue.

On average, 71% of security breaches target small businesses. Why? Cybercriminals know there is a lack of resources to put towards cybersecurity, making SMBs an easy target.

Misconception #4:  "We don’t have valuable data"

  • It doesn’t matter if your data has value to others. If it has value to you, an attacker will use Ransomware to lock you out of your systems and data until you pay a ransom.

  • You likely do have valuable data such as credit card information, social insurance numbers and banking details for your business, your employees and/or your customers.

  • You are responsible for the protection of Personal contact data you keep under PIPEDA (federally) and PIPA (provincially) and subject to fines if found negligent in their protection.

Misconception #5:  "We are covered if a breach happens"

  • Cyber Insurance coverage varies by policy so the degree at which you are covered could vary.

  • In the event of a breach, Insurers seek evidence that you took “due care” in protecting against Cyber attacks.

  • Like any insurance, claims against your cyber insurance affect your insurance Premiums.

  • Organizations that are attacked are often the target of follow-up attacks.

Misconception #6:  "We have protection" (firewall, antivirus etc.)

  • No protection product(s) can protect against 100% of attacks. Cyber Awareness Training reduces the number of attacks ultimately reducing the risk of an attack bypassing your security.

  • Successful attacks often trick their way past security safeguards - every layered security strategy must include something to protect personnel from their own mistakes.

Don't Let it Happen to You

According to a recent study on Ransomware 37% of organizations were affected by ransomware attacks in the last year. Ransomware remains the most prominent malware threat, and is now used at the end of most Cyber Attacks.



Identify and prevent employee vulnerabilities, before they cause a breach.

They say employees are the weakest link to a company’s information security - Make your Weakest Link your Strongest Defence


Teach your employees how to identify and respond to Cyber Threats

Annual Cyber Awareness training course and weekly micro trainings teach your employees that bad guys are trying to trick them, how to detect these scams and take appropriate action like deleting the email or not clicking a link.

Test your employees with Simulated Phishing emails

Test your employees and see who falls for a simulated phishing attack that could steal your banking information, sensitive data or infect your computers with Ransomare.

Reduce your exposure from existing breaches

Find out which employees have compromised passwords for sale on the dark web so you can ensure they're changed quickly.

Know which employees are most likely to let threats in

Use our Employee Vulnerability Assessment (EVA) and ongoing Employee Secure Score (ESS) to track progress and see who would most likely fall for a simulated phishing attack that could steal your banking information, sensitive data or infect your computers with Ransomare.

Employee Cyber Security Awareness Training

Best-of-breed next-generation Endpoint Protection that begins defending your business from Ransomware and emerging threats as soon as it's installed.


Phishing Simulation

Darkweb Monitoring

Employee Score

Outlook Plugin





A modern training program designed to provide education aimed at employees of all skill levels.

  • Annual Training Online Course with Testing (~45 min)

  • Weekly Micro Training Video

  • Progress Tracking via Web Portal

  • Easily add/remove employees from training

  • Content updated continually to remain relevant to modern threats and scams

Training Sample

Phishing Simulation


Automated simulated Phishing emails sent to your staff intermittently to test their skills.

  • Modelled off of real Phishing emails

  • Phishing often used to steal credentials, financial information or install malware such as Ransomware or Spyware

  • Simulates common emails that users are used to receiving

    • Microsoft 365 / Gsuite / Dropbox / Zoom etc.

    • UPS / Fedex / DHL etc.

    • Amazon / Apple / iTunes / Netflix / Disney+ etc.

    • Major Banks (TD Canada Trust / RBC / BMO / Scotiabank etc.)

  • Continually updated to stay relevant

  • Sent at unpredictable intervals to simulate actual phishing emails

  • Links go to contextual training to help your employee understand how they were tricked


Compromised Credential Monitoring / Dark Web Scanning


Identify if your companies credentials have been sold on the Dark Web and get notified if they are.

  • Compromised passwords are for sale on the dark web.

  • People often use the same password across multiple systems (both personal and business).

  • Attackers can use Compromised passwords to gain access to your systems.

  • The data source for our Dark Web scans is InfoArmor (owned by AllState Insurance). 

  • InfoArmor verifies the data found on the Dark Web with human operatives.


Employee Secure Score


Even with industry leading efficacy some threats get through. AI-driven response and remediation reverses damage caused by malware attacks.

  • Analyzes risk from key security metrics to produce an Employee Secure Score (ESS)

    • Training participation & quiz scores

    • Phishing simulation interactions

    • Compromised credentials found on the dark web

    • Positively identifying phishing emails using the Catch Phish plugin

  • Identifies your highest risk employees

Catch Phish (Outlook Plugin)


Next-generation real-time phishing training analyzes, highlights, and educates end-users

  • Positive reinforcement - your staff are rewarded by positively identifying phishing emails

  • Awards your staff with points towards their Employee Secure Score (ESS)

  • Real-time analysis tool allows your staff to double check and email, before they click

  • This plug-in works on Microsoft 365 web app and Outlook for both desktop and mobile

Reporting & Compliance


Monitor the effectiveness of your Employee Security Awareness Training program and meet your compliance requirements with detailed visibility and reporting.

  • Simple to use dashboard and self-service reporting

  • Downloadable reports including completion dates and quiz scores

  • At-a-glance view of each employees ESS and ESS leaderboard


Start a Cyber Awareness Training Program Today

Rolling-out an Employee Cyber Security Awareness Program is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Step 1

Schedule a Call

During a short call we will review pricing, answer any questions you have and get your account set up.

Step 2

Configure the Program

We will work with you to enroll your users and setup the program for you.

Step 3

Enjoy Decreased Cyber Risk

Once your employees take their first training they will be aware of threats and less likely to be tricked by scammers.

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